Friday 2 January 2015

Last of the Mohicans (1992)

An enjoyably complete 
action epic,
with a magnetic lead actor
 and a layered climax.

Last of the Mohicans is one of the more lauded action films of the early 90's, as well as one of Michael Mann's most renown films. In my opinion, although certainly very strong, this film is far from a masterpiece.

The most eye-catching element of the film, at surface level is, the presence of multi-award winning actor Daniel Day-Lewis. This actor has produced some legendary performances in his illustrious career, so it is therefore justifiable to expect another strong performance here. He does deliver, bringing believable gravitas and strong expression to the role, however I would hardly hold it as one of his all time great performances. He is a likable action star and does his job well, but he did not electrify me as he has before. The rest of the actors do a decent job, getting enough development to justify them being there. Wes Studi did a particularly good job as the film's villain and is believable in every scene he is in. However, Maurice Roeves did grate on me, with a dull and one note performance that ultimately overstayed it's welcome. The acting is overall above average for a film of this type, and serves it's purpose well.

The cinematography of this film is very strong. Mann clearly understands his genre well, and every action scene is shot perfectly. A large battle sequence just over halfway into the film was particularly impressive, and was by far the film's standout moment. Mann also uses the film's setting to his advantage, often framing shots through flora to immerse the viewer. It's quite effective, and overall I felt the film was shot very well for a film of this type. Combine this with solid costume design and lavish set design, and you have a film which certainly feels epic in it's visuals.

The storytelling is epic in scale also. The screenplay is well paced, containing all the things one would expect in this genre done well. Romance, betrayal, redemption, etc. It is a good screenplay overall and keeps the audience engages throughout. Good dialogue and clear cut characters, also testify to the quality of the script. Overall, although hardly a classic screenplay, it is certainly an effective one, and serves the movie very well. I must also praise the film's excellent climax. It was well layered and featured emotions and consequences unknown to lesser action film. My opinion on the film were raised significantly after the climax and I was honestly quite impressed.

In conclusion, Last of the Mohicans did not blow me away. However I did enjoy my time with it and am glad I watched it at the very least. I recommend it for what it is, a high quality action film with epic scope and scale.

By Jack D. Phillips
A Zoom Film Review

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